Things to Do in Branson – Veteran’s Memorial Museum
Branson love its veterans! It’s why so many attractions, including Hollywood Wax Museum Entertainment Center, offers discount rates for our military members. And why Branson’s Veterans Week, held each November, is chockful of special events and activities every year. It’s also why on our list of Great Things to Do in Branson, we include our Veteran’s Memorial Museum! Let us tell you a little about what you can expect during your visit.
18 Thousand Square Feet and 10 Halls
Inside the Branson Veterans Memorial Museum you’ll explore 10 separate halls that are dedicated to wars and conflicts fought during the 20th century. You’ll start your tour in the World War I hall and then progress through World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War and Desert Storm, among others.
Mega Memorabilia
What kind of memorabilia should you expect to see? If it’s related to our veterans, the likelihood is it’s there! Historical artifacts such as uniforms, military weapons and other gear. Historical photos. Military aircraft. Alongside most items, the museum provides a story of the artifact, written by the museum’s founder and compiled after researching and interviewing veterans over a 25-year period.
Memorial Walls
One of the most sobering and emotional displays at the museum is the memorial walls of those lost during the war periods. The names of the men and women killed in action from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf and the recent conflicts of the 20th century are captured.
Combat Murals
Dozens of murals, painted by combat artists such as James Dietz and Mike Hagel, are displayed at the museum. The spectacular works of art showcase the history of our nation’s brave battles with depth and emotion.
Impressive Sculpture
Among the artifacts, you’ll also see some very powerful sculptures. One, in particular, titled “Storming the Beach,” was sculpted by the founder of the museum and portrays actual WWII infantrymen, including the artist’s father, who gave their lives in the service of their country. At 70 feet long and weighing more than 15 tons, the piece is considered to be the largest life-size bronze military sculpture in the world.
For history buffs, former and current servicemen, military enthusiasts, or anyone who appreciates learning about and reflecting about our country’s past, the Veterans Memorial Museum is a stop not to be missed while in Branson!